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Nurturing Parenting Program

The Nurturing Parenting Program is an evidence-based and trauma informed program that provides in-home parent education and support to families involved with the Illinois Department of Children & Family Services. â€‹

The goals are to:

  • Provide family engagement to assist in learning new 

       parenting prospective, examine parenting and

       relationship beliefs, and increase knowledge and skills;

  • Work to modify and eliminate beliefs and actions that

       contribute to abusive parenting behaviors; 

  • Increase parents' knowledge of age-appropriate 

       expectations, and 

  • Assist parents in recognizing how to enhance their skills in supporting attachments, nurturing, and healthy parenting. 

Family First Parenting: 

In-home education for parents. Goals include examining parenting beliefs, increasing parenting skills, and modifying beliefs that may lead to abuse. Offered to families that are intact. 


Permanency Parenting: 

In-home parenting education for parents whose children have been removed from the home due to neglect or abuse. The Nurturing Parenting evidence-based curriculum is used to modify parenting practices that may lead to abuse and replace them with healthy child-rearing techniques.

A biological parent or family member who has an open case with Illinois DCFS and meets referral requirements is eligible to participate in the Nurturing Parenting Program. A Bethany can manager makes a referral for the program. The length of the program varies depending on the clients needs, but may run from eight to 24 weeks. 

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