The two-year-old Border Collie mix started in August 2017 as part of Bethany’s mental health team in Maquoketa, Iowa.
Bethany for Children & Families offers an array of individual and family therapy and counseling services. Bethany's mental health therapists and behavioral health case managers provide support to children and families in critical need of intensive therapy and counseling, skill-building interventions, guidance, and expertise.
This is where Max comes in. He’s a certified and licensed therapy dog. Erin Lange, his owner and a Mental Health Therapist for Bethany for Children & Families says Max currently sees around 15 to 20 students and four adults. Most of her clients suffer from severe depression or social anxiety. Lange says she’s noticed a difference in her clients since Max has started. “I feel they open up more when they have the dog.”
Lange says her clients love Max, and Max loves them too. “He loves going to work!”
Welcome to Bethany, Max!