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February is National Children's Dental Health Month

Bethany is a proud supporter of National Children’s Dental Health Month. The month-long observance that takes place in February brings together thousands of dedicated dental professionals, healthcare providers, and educators to promote the benefits of good oral health to children, their caregivers, teachers, and many others.

This year’s campaign slogan is, “Brush Your Teeth with Fluoride Toothpaste and Clean Between Your Teeth for a Healthy Smile.” Bethany understands the importance of good oral health care. Not taking proper care of your teeth can lead to serious health problems.

Give Kids a Smile Mobile Dental Clinic

The Give Kids a Smile Mobile Dental Program at Bethany for Children & Families is a community program aimed at increasing access to dental care to children ages two to 18 who are at or below 200% of the federal poverty level, who have never been to a dentist, who do not have dental insurance, or who have but cannot find a provider who accepts Medicaid insurance.

The program delivers dental services directly to children in the greater Quad City region on the Give Kids a Smile mobile dental clinic, which travels to schools in Rock Island, Henry, and Mercer counties in Illinois, and Scott, Jackson, and Clinton counties in Iowa.

Give Kids a Smile Mobile Dental Clinic
Give Kids a Smile Mobile Dental Clinic

Licensed dental staff members provide a variety of services, including an oral examination, dental cleaning, fluoride treatment, and sealants, if necessary. Additional follow-up restorative services (such as fillings, extractions, and root canals) are provided by partner dentists in their offices throughout the community.

Children who qualify for this program receive services free of charge!

Throughout the month of February, Bethany will be collecting toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss to distribute to children in need as identified by their school nurses. If you would like to make a donation of these products, please call Dylan Davis at (309) 736-6642.


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